| 1. | It was Battle for Sugar Loaf Hill, where he distinguished himself again.
| 2. | The attack was overlooked by a German fortification called the Sugar Loaf.
| 3. | Traditionally they were made with cold leftovers of mashed potatoes and sugar loaf.
| 4. | It features views of Killiney Bay, Sugar Loaf Mountain, and northern County Wicklow.
| 5. | We arrived at Sugar Loaf Lodge just in time for sunset.
| 6. | Sugar Loaf Restaurant & AMP; Bakery, 1737 S . Tamiami Trail.
| 7. | Even among such slaughter, the ferocity of Sugar Loaf stood out.
| 8. | The Sugar Loaf Islands are the aluminous rocks comprising the islands.
| 9. | Scalfaro toured the city's famous Copacabana Beach, Sugar Loaf and the Botanical Gardens.
| 10. | Proponents of the annexation of Sugar Loaf back to Warwick cite this precedent administration.